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Let New Technologies Reach Farmers, New NAGRC Board Tasked

The new board for the National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB) has been asked to work towards the improvement of access to better technologies by livestock farmers across the country.

“Farmers out there are yearning for better genetics in order to improve their farms. You have to make sure that these technologies here reach the farmers who need them,” Colonel Bright Rwamirama, State Minister in charge of Animal Husbandry said.

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NAGRC lauded as it gives out 100 superior dairy bulls to Farmers and cooperatives

The National Animal Genetics Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB) has released one hundred 100 assorted superior dairy breeding bulls to farmers who are members of dairy cooperatives identified across the country. This is a routine program of the Centre which is conducted at all its fifteen 15 Animal Genetic Resources Centres located in different agro-ecological zones across the country.

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NAGRC&DB inaugurates new board, rolls out 100 dairy bulls

Ben Anyama is the new board chairman of the NationalAnimalGenetics Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB). Dr Bright Rwamirama, the state minister for Animal Industry, introduced the new board on October 17 while officiating at the handover of 100 bulls to the beneficiary farmers following the official inaugural ceremony of the new board of directors of NAGRC&DB in Entebbe.

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