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Farms & Ranches


    The NAGRC&DB breeding centres(farms & ranches) are used as:

    • Sources of quality breeding stock

    • Outreach breeding centres for the farmers in the districts that surround them

    • Open nucleus breeding centres working with other identified nucleus farmers

    • Sources of services like Embryo transfer, Artificial Insemination(AI) services, sources of AI inputs for the AI technicians working in the area

    • Centres for training in breeding and feeding technologies and demonstration of other management aspects

    • The farms shall also be used for business incubation of livestock incubatees, targeting youth and women.


      • Aswa2
      • Aswa 3
      • Saanen Goats
      • Saanen 2
      • Saanen Goat 2


        The farm is located in Bulago trading centre, Busia parish, Bulago sub-county, Elgon-county, Bulambuli district. The farm has two seasons and receives majorly rainfall well distribution throughout the first season and dry spell in the third quarter of every year.


        Pure dairy cattle and goat breeding; Fish breeding (Carp types)


        Cattle, Goats and Fish 


        Friesian dairy cattle, Saanen dairy goats, Carp fish

        Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

        • Pure dairy (Friesian) cattle
        • Dairy goat breeding
        • Fish breeding
        • Nucleus breeding for dairy-production of bulls and heifers for uptake by farmers in the Elgon sub-region
      • ASWA RANCH

        • Aswa2
        • Aswa 3
        • Aswa 1
        • Aswa New 1
        • Bees3
        • Bees3


          The ranch is located in Burlobo village, Burlobo parish, Angagura sub-county Aruu north Pader district. Bordering Gulu in the south, Lamwo north east and Kitgum district in the north. It covers 132 Square miles, occupying three sub counties in the name of Angagura, Atanga and Laguti and Bordered by River Aswa from the west and River Pager from the North in Pader district.


          The ranch is a Centre of leadership for beef cattle upgrading & breeding; Apiculture Centre; Feedlot demonstration and Animal feed production.




          Ankole cattle, Cattle crosses with Brahman, Use of Brahman, Romagnola and Boran Semen for upgrading

          Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

          • Dairy and beef cattle cross breeding
          • Beef cattle nucleus breeding program
          • Open nucleus breeding with the community in Acholi sub-region
          • Artificial Insemination services to the community
          • Learning and skilling centre for farmers and students
          • Liquid Nitrogen storage facilities to serve the northern region
        • Aswa Zebu Cattle Conservation Centre

          • Aswa Conservatory
          • Aswa Conserve
          • Sanga
          • Sanga 5


            The conservatory is located with-in the main Aswa ranch in Burlobo village, Burlobo parish, Angagura subcounty Aruu north Pader district. Bordering Gulu in the south, Lamwo north east and Kitgum district in the north.


            Conservation and development of the Short-horn Zebu cattle




            Cattle-Short-horn Zebu

            Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

            • Selection of cattle breeds their development and multiplication

            • Kasolwe 3
            • Kasolwe 2
            • Kasolwe 6
            • Grain Storage Facilities 2
            • DCIM100MEDIADJI 0132.JPG
            • Kasolwe New 4
            • Kasolwe New 3


              Kasolwe stock farm is located in Kagumba sub-county, Kamuli district and serves the Busoga sub-region. It lies on approximately 2000 acres.


              Pure dairy cattle breeding; Conservation of pure Zebu cattle and their upgrade with Jersey breeds; Grand-parent pig breeding program; Poultry program; Fish breeding;Animal feed production; Conservation and development of the indigenous Kasolwe brown goat


              Cattle, Goats


              Cattle-Jersey, Zebu; Goats-Kasolwe brown goat; Pigs-Large-White, Land Race, Piétrain, Duroc; Dual-Purpose scavenging poultry; Fish-Tilapia, Catfish, Mirror Carp 

              Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

              • Goat breeding (Kasolwe brown goat)
              • Multi-purpose poultry production and state-of the art hatcheries
              • Pure dairy cattle breeding
              • Pig breeding
              • Conservation of the Zebu cattle
              • Medium scale animal feed production and processing (High-capacity hay barn storing up to 35,000 bales of hay to serve the region and teach farmers how to make it)
              • Learning and skilling centre for farmers and students
              • Livestock processing plant/ feed mill high capacity (processing of animal feeds 5MT/hour; 3MT/hr for mash feeds and 2MT/hr for pellets)
              • Fish breeding and conservation of the indigenous fish broodstock
            • Livestock Experimental Station (LES)

              • Livestock Experimental Station
              • Livestock Experimental Station 3
              • Livestock Experimental Station 2


                This farm is located in Wakiso district near the Entebbe International Airport. The farm currently stands on about 80 acres of land. The farm also hosts both the national gene bank and regional gene bank for Eastern Africa.


                The farm breeds exotic dairy cattle; pigs and is a poultry production centre


                Dairy Cattle, Poultry, Pigs


                Cattle-Jersey, Friesian, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss; Poultry-Kuroiler, Rainbow roosters; Pigs-Landrace, Large -white, Duroc

                Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

                • Pure dairy cattle breeding
                • Multi-purpose poultry production
                • Production of bulls for the National Bull Stud
                • Production of pure-bred tropicalized heifers for uptake by farmers across the country
                • National Livestock Quarantine and Evaluation Centre
                • Medium scale animal feed production and processing
                • Learning and skilling centre for farmers and students
              • LUSENKE STOCK FARM

                • Kuroiler breed
                • Lusenke Stock Farm
                • Lusenke 2
                • Lusenke 3
                • Lusenke 6
                • Lusenke New 1


                  The stock farm is situated in Busana sub-county of Kayunga district in central Uganda and lies astride the river Nile on approximately 7 square miles.


                  National goat resources centre; Crossbreeding Zebu with Tyrolean Grey; Pure breeding -dairy cattle; Grand-parent pig breeding program; Goat breeding and Poultry program 


                  Dairy and dual-purpose cattle, Poultry, Pigs and Goats


                  Cattle-Tyrolean Grey, Ayrshire; Goats-dairy and meat Goats; Pigs– Large-White, Land Race, Piétrain, Duroc and Dual-purpose scavenging poultry

                  Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

                  • Nucleus breeding for dairy-production of bulls and heifers
                  • Centre of leadership for goat breeding
                  • Dairy and beef upgrading of Zebu cattle with Tyrolean grey, Jersey and Red Angus cattle
                  • Pure breeding dairy cattle
                  • Pig breeding
                  • Multi-purpose poultry production (Kuroiler & Rainbow rooster birds).
                • NSHAARA RANCH

                  • Hay
                  • Silage bunkers each with a holding capacity of 20000 MT
                  • Nshaara  Hay Barns: Each with a storage capcity upto 30,000 bales
                  • Nshaara Cattle


                    The ranch is located in Kiruhura District, Nyabushozi County, Nyakashashara Subcounty, and Karengo village which shares boundaries with Lake Mburo National Park. The ranch lies on 27 square miles.


                    Ankole cattle conservation and upgrading of the Mubende with the South African Boer goats


                    Cattle and Goats


                    Ankole long-horn cattle, South-African Boer goat crosses

                    Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

                    • Source of Ankole cattle for selection, development, multiplication into Ankole beef and Ankole dairy lines
                    • Sources of Ankole cattle for cross breeding programs
                    • Production of tropicalized South-African Boer goats for uptake by goat farmers across the country
                    • Meat & dairy goat breeding (cross breeding of Boers & the indigenous goats)
                    • Large scale animal feed production and processing
                    • Learning & skilling centre for farmers and students
                  • MARUZI RANCH

                    • Maruzi 2
                    • Maruzi 1
                    • Maruzi New
                    • Aswa New 1


                      Maruzi ranch is located in Akokoro sub-county in Apac district Northern region. 


                      Beef cattle and goat upgrading programs; selection and multiplication of fish broodstock


                      Cattle, Goats, Fish


                      Cattle– Ankole and Crosses of Boran, Sahiwal, Brahman and Romagnola; Goats- Small East African and Mubende goats; Fish-Tilapia and Cat Fish

                      Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

                      • Beef cattle cross breeding; improving livestock through artificial insemination.
                      • Cross-breeding of meat goats and availing the community with improved goat breeds
                      • Artificial insemination training centre for the Northern region
                      • Pasture/Hay production and Feedlot demonstration
                      • Fish Hatchery and production of fry
                      • Selection, grading, multiplication and conservation of indigenous broodstock (Tilapia and Cat Fish)
                    • RUBONA STOCK FARM

                      • Rubona Stock Farm
                      • Rubona 6
                      • Rubona 3
                      • Rubona 2
                      • G6
                      • Kasolwe Fish Ponds


                        The stock farm is located 22km south of Fort Portal town along Fort Portal- Kasese high way in Bunyangabu county, Bunyangabu district. It stands on 755 acres.


                        National upgrading and pure dairy cattle breeding centre; Pure goat breeding program; Fish hatchery and fry production


                        Cattle, Goats and Fish


                        Cattle-Friesian, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey; Goats-South-African Boer, Toggenburg, Saanen; Fish-Tilapia, Cat fish

                        Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

                        • Dairy breeding centre; Focus on pure dairy cattle-Friesians, Jersey and Ayrshire.
                        • Goat breeding -pure South-African Boer breed
                        • Fish breeding and conservation of the indigenous breeds
                        • Learning and skilling centre for the Rwenzori sub-region
                        • Liquid Nitrogen storage capacity facilities for the Rwenzori sub-region
                        • The system of production /management is fenced farming.
                      • RUHENGYERE RANCH

                        • G3
                        • G2
                        • G1
                        • Ruhengere Training 2


                          The Ranch is located in Kayonza Cell, Kayonza Parish, Kiaktsi Subcounty, Nyabushozi County, Kiruhura District.


                          Beef and Dairy cattle breeding; Goat breeding; National Artificial Insemination (AI) Training Centre; Animal feed production


                          Cattle and Goats


                          Cattle-Ankole and crosses of Brahman, Simmental, Romagnola, Ayrshire and Friesian; Goats-Mubende, Boer

                          Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

                          • National upgrading centre for beef, meat and dairy breeds
                          • Cross breeding program for dairy, beef cattle and goats
                          • Mubende goat conservation
                          • Mubende goat (black & spotted) development and conservation
                          • Goat cross breeding (Boer and Mubende goat breeds)
                          • Pasture and seed multiplication; Planting materials; Hay & Silage production availing for farmers in the region
                          • National Artificial Insemination Training Centre
                          • Liquid Nitrogen Production facility at MBAZardi in Mbarara
                        • SANGA STOCK FARM

                          • Sanga 5
                          • Sanga 1
                          • Sanga 2
                          • Sanga10
                          • Sanga 4


                            The field station is located in Kiruhura district 45 kms on Mbarara Kampala highway and it sits on 2.5 sq miles of land.


                            Beef cattle cross breeding; Indigenous goat conservation program and a farmer demonstration centre;Animal feed production


                            Cattle, Goats, Poultry


                            Cattle- Ankole, Brahman, Romangnola, Boran cattle; Goats- Kigezi, Mubende-black

                            Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

                            • Dairy and beef cattle upgrading
                            • Pasture and seed multiplication; Planting materials; Hay & Silage production availing for farmers in the region
                            • Ankole long-honed cattle kept for cross-breeding with, Brahman, Boran and Romagnola beef breeds
                            • Conservation and development of Kigezi & Mubende black goats.
                          • NJERU STOCK FARM

                            • Njeru
                            • Njeru 2


                              Njeru stock farm is found in Bukaya west village, Njeru municipality in Buikwe district and lies on approximately 1,099 acres of land.


                              National pig resources centre; Pure Friesian breeding centre; Goat upgrading program


                              Cattle, Pigs and Goats 


                              CattleFriesian; Pigs-Large white, landrace, Duroc, Piétrain; GoatsBoer and Small East African goats

                              Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities:

                              • Nucleus breeding for dairy production of bulls and heifers
                              • Production of pig breeding stock
                              • Production of South-African Boer goat crosses
                              • Liquid nitrogen production and distribution centre for the eastern region
                              • Learning & skilling centre for farmers & students
                            • NATIONAL BULL STUD

                              • National Bullstud Image
                              • National Bullstud 2


                                The National Bull Stud is located on Plot 98-106, Nsamizi road in Entebbe, Wakiso District.


                                Semen production and processing; Semen Bank; Liquid nitrogen production; Sales of Artificial Insemination in-puts; Genetic evaluation of all imported semen


                                Beef, Dairy and Dual-Purpose Cattle


                                Friesian, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Boran, Brahman, Charolais, Angus, Simmental

                                Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities

                                • Dairy and beef artificial insemination inputs
                                • Beef and dairy cattle semen production, evaluation, packaging and availing to actors
                                • National large scale liquid nitrogen production, packaging and distribution to actors
                                • Embryo Transfer Services laboratory
                                • Medium scale animal feed production and processing
                                • Learning and skilling centre for farmers & students
                              • GOT APWOYO RANCH

                                • GotApwoyo 2
                                • GotApwoyo
                                • GotApwoyo 3
                                • Ankole Cattle
                                • Ankole cattle conservation


                                  The Got Apwoyo ranch is located in Tee-Okot Village in Got Apwoyo Sub County in Nwoya district in the northern region. It lies on approximately 3,200 acres.


                                  Centre for breeding and multiplication of highly productive livestock; produce animal feeds; diagnose and treat animals as well as and act as a learning centre in a move to avert famine in the region.


                                  Cattle, Goats

                                  Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities

                                  • Beef cattle breeding
                                  • Meat goat breeding
                                  • Large scale animal feed production and processing
                                  • Learning and skilling entre for Northern Uganda and West Nile.
                                  • Ongoing projects: Animal Disease Control Centre to serve Northen Uganda including, West Nile region (the Centre is to house animal holding ground, spray races, laboratory, cattle crushes, loading and off-loading ramps etc.)
                                • NATIONAL POULTRY & PIG DEVELOPMENT CENTRE(NPPDC)

                                  • NDPC Hatchery
                                  • NDPC 2
                                  • NDPC New 2
                                  • NDPC New 3


                                    Wakiso District


                                    The centre is to multiply and distribute good quality, economically viable chicks of the Kuroiler and Rainbow rooster breeds to interested farmers in all the regions country wide at affordable prices. Pig breeding is also taking place at the centre


                                    Poultry and Pigs


                                    Poultry:Rainbow roosters, Kuroiler and Pigs: Duroc, Largewhite, Camborough, Landrace

                                    Key Agro-enterprise(s)/production activities

                                    • Multi-purpose poultry production and Pg breeding
                                    • Poultry hatcheries available for Wakiso district and the central region
                                    • The NPPDC is being leveraged as a training or learning facility for students and farmers in the region
                                    • Application of assisted reproductive technologies to improve production and productivity; NAGRC&DB can currently supply over 500,000 Day-Old- Chicks or one-month brooded Rainbow rooster chicks per month to all beneficiaries.