National Animal Genetic Evaluation and Testing Centre
The unit promotes the conservation and sustainable utilization of animal genetic resources and purposes to provide a framework for acquisition, storage, processing and access to stored material for research and other purposes.
The Animal Genetic Evaluation and Testing Centre consists of infrastructure that houses laboratories and testing units for both the Regional Gene Bank and the National Gene Bank. It has well-equipped hi-tech laboratories that have up-to date testing equipment that are maintained and serviced periodically to ensure continued and proper functionality and well trained competent and motivated personnel who run the specific activities that involve collecting, transporting, processing, evaluating, testing and storage of both indigenous and imported animal genetics. It also has a well-constructed crush house used for restraining animals during collection of germplasm. It also has a data management, security and biosecurity/ bio-safety and quality assurance system in place.
The germplasm that is collected and tested includes semen, embryos, oocytes, somatic cells, DNA and whole blood samples that are further stored in Liquid Nitrogen at -196oc and in specialized temperature-controlled refrigerators to keep them viable for years. This facility has a well-designed conservation plan of animal genetic diversity through a more rational, complementary and cost-effective way.
Key Stakeholders
The framework involves acquiring, preserving, storage and ensuring the sustainability and efficient maintenance of important indigenous animal genetic resources /germplasm from local breeds like Ankole long horn, Nganda, Zebu short horn cattle, Mubende and/or Kigezi goats and animal biodiversity for Uganda and the rest of the regional member states. Therefore, to obtain germplasm that is relevant, the unit collaborates with farmers and breed associations, researchers, education, extension workers, and conservation foundations. Other stakeholders include Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries, National Environment Management Authority and Uganda National Council for Science and Technology.
Key Strategic interventions
In this facility you will find;
- Genetic evaluation
- On-farm germplasm collection
- Biobanking technologies
- Breed and/or species characterization using state of the art phenotyping and genotyping strategies.
- Specialized human resources comprising of animal geneticists, biostatisticians, reproductive physiologists, and technicians.