Guiding Principles:
In pursuit of the vision, mission and strategic direction of NAGRC&DB, the development of the Strategic Plan has been guided by the following principles:
Client Led:
The services to be provided, such as procurement and distribution of quality inputs. -
Market oriented:
The commodities and enterprises to be supported will be in response to the market requirements (national, regional and international), and in tandem with the priority commodities as guided by ASSP; -
Gender responsiveness:
In order to realize the full potential of women and men, NAGRC&DB will ensure that gender constraints, needs and opportunities are identified and addressed. The principles of gender equity and equality will be applied to guide beneficiary targeting. Moreover, all agency operations are gender-informed. -
Mainstreaming health issues in to NAGRC&DB programmes:
Special attention will be given to interventions that enhance the health needs of the farmers such as the control and prevention of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis. -
Value chain approach:
The services provided will cover all relevant segments of the commodity chains. The aim will be to add value for the benefit of producers and other actors. -
Environmental considerations:
NAGRC&DB will ensure that all strategies and actions to be implemented do not cause adverse effects on the environment. Technologies and inputs that mitigate effects of climate change and pollution will be promoted. -
Implementation of NAGRC&DB programmes in local governments will be guided by the Government decentralization policy. The districts, sub-counties and parishes will be the key actors especially with regard to planning, identification of needs, distribution of farm inputs, supervision and monitoring. -
Fostering partnerships and synergies:
NAGRC&DB are part of a broad agricultural system. Consequently, the existing partnerships, synergies and linkages with other agricultural service providers shall be enhanced and new ones created. These include researchers, extension service providers, entrepreneurs, development partners, civil society, market actors and consumers