The National Animal Genetic Resources Centre and Data Bank (NAGRC&DB) was established by the Animal Breeding Act, 2001. It’s one of the statutory semi-autonomous bodies of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF). Formation of NAGRC&DB was part of the fulfilment of the aspirations in the National Animal Breeding Policy (1997), document and the Action Plan for its implementation providing guidelines to all actors in the animal breeding and production value-chain. The actors included input suppliers, farmers, companies, researchers, extension workers and civic leaders on suitable breeds for the various ecological and production systems. It also provided for alternative breeding programmes; import, export and trade in genetic materials; breeding and management systems for conservation and sustainable use of indigenous genetic resources and use of modern breeding technologies in the country. NAGRC&DB was established with a twofold mandate, namely; to play a leading role in the commercialization of animal breeding activities in Uganda and to carry out development activities that enhance animal Genetic improvement and productivity.
Specifically, the commercial activities include:
Availing for sale semen, eggs, ova, embryos and associated equipment;
Management of farms for production, selection and sale of superior dams and sires;
Rearing of sire studs for production and sale of semen;
Production and sale of liquid nitrogen and associated equipment;
Production and sale of founder brood stock of fisheries resources;
Offer for sale properly bred stock through pathways such as open nucleus schemes;
Procurement and sale of other breeding and reproduction equipment.
While the development activities include:
Servicing as National Animal Genetic Data Bank
Serving as National Central Livestock Registry
Serving as the National Animal Genetic Resources Evaluation Centre and Laboratory
Serving as a national gene depository and examination Centre for Genetic materials
Quarantine and evaluation of imported genetic materials
Offering specialized training to technicians dealing in animal breeding
Training of staff and farmers in aspects of animal, poultry and fish breeding
Collaboration in animal breeding and production environments research
Encouraging the formation of breeder and breed organizations
Providing guidance in breeding and multiplication of improved breeds
Promotion of herd-recording, and performance testing on farms
Promotion of natural mating especially in areas where Artificial insemination is not available
Developing breeding extension guidelines for farmers and extension workers

The entity operates 12 Government Animal Genetics Resource Centres (AnGRCs) strategically situated in the various Agro-ecological zones of Uganda to support the different animal production systems existing in those regions.
The entity runs the only Nationally Accredited Bull Stud in the country for semen production currently serving Uganda and other surrounding East African member states- eg Burundi, South Sudan, DRC, etc